

ROSE HYDROLATE or ROSE WATER is a distillate of rose essential oil components that possesses valuable cosmetic and medicinal properties.
Ancient people considered the rose to be the queen of flowers, and Avicenna and Hippocrates described its medicinal properties. Ancient Romans and Persians used rose water as a cooling and
refreshing medium. Greek women used added the medicinal elixir to their baths and used it as a skin rejuvenation medium.

Products line HydRoseDeluxe

Elixir of Beauty Moisturizing Rose Roller Eye Mask
Elixir of Beauty Moisturizing Rose Roller Eye Mask
PurposeMoisturizing, Lifting, Eye Care, All Skin Types
Facial Booster Night Cream Wrinkle Correction
Facial Booster Night Cream Wrinkle Correction
PurposeMoisturizing, All Skin Types, Anti-aging care
Rose Veil Hair and Body Dry Oil
Rose Veil Hair and Body Dry Oil
PurposeAll types of hair, Moisturizing, Nourishment, All Skin Types
Hair Glaze Effect Glaze Balm
Hair Glaze Effect Glaze Balm
PurposeAll types of hair, Dry and damaged, Nourishment