Бальзам-защита для сохранения цвета и улучшения структуры окрашенных волос
ЛинияProfessional line
НазначениеОкрашенные волосы, Профессиональный уход
MATCHA + fruit mix FRESHNESS AND CLEANSING balm for normal to oily hair
НазначениеAll types of hair, Gloss and Smoothness, Dry and damaged, Elasticity
MATCHA + fruit mix FRESHNESS AND CLEANSING shampoo for normal to oily hair WITHOUT SILICONES
НазначениеAll types of hair, Gloss and Smoothness, Cleansing
WATERMELON + fruit mix VOLUME and DENSITY mask-serum for thin hair that lack volume
НазначениеAll types of hair, Gloss and Smoothness, Dry and damaged, Elasticity
WATERMELON + fruit mix VOLUME & DENSITY shampoo for thin hair that lack volume WITHOUT SILICONES
НазначениеAll types of hair, Cleansing
GINGER + fruit mix 3in1 ANTI-HAIR LOSS mask-balm for weakened hair prone to hair loss
НазначениеAll types of hair
GINGER + fruit mix ANTI-HAIR LOSS shampoo-elixir for weakened hair prone to hair loss WITHOUT SILICONES
НазначениеAll types of hair